Begin a journey of self-discovery and growth with our personalized coaching. I'm here to support your life transitions, enhance your career skills, and promote total wellness. Discover your potential and the strategies for success, whether you're chasing leadership excellence or personal mastery. Embrace the journey where self-awareness, resilience, and emotional intelligence lead to personal and professional fulfillment.


  • Embark on a transformative journey with our Personal Mastery Coaching. Tailored to guide you through significant life changes and personal growth, our approach empowers you to unlock your full potential. Discover your path to self-discovery and mastery, and navigate life's transitions with confidence and clarity.

  • Elevate your professional journey with our Leadership and Professional Development Coaching. Ideal for entrepreneurs, young professionals and people managers, our coaching focuses on cultivating inclusive leadership skills and skillsets for professional growth. Develop your leadership prowess and thrive in your career with our expert guidance.

  • Accelerate your business success with our Business Development Coaching. Designed for aspiring and established entrepreneurs, this coaching helps you navigate the complexities of business growth. Enhance your strategic planning, marketing skills, and overall business acumen to achieve sustainable success.

  • Expand your horizons with our Cultural Competence and Global Mindset Coaching. Whether for personal travel or professional adaptability, our coaching prepares you to thrive in diverse cultural environments. Gain invaluable insights into cross-cultural communication and embrace global perspectives.

  • Nurture your well-being with our Holistic Wellness and Resilience Coaching. Focused on promoting mental, physical, and emotional health, our coaching empowers you to build resilience and maintain balance. Experience a holistic approach to wellness and foster a lifestyle of health and harmony.


  • One-on-one coaching

    I'll work closely with you to identify areas of improvement, set specific goals, and develop action plans to make them a reality.

  • Group coaching

    Join a community of like-minded individuals who will support and learn from each other while working towards similar goals.


  • Two professional women engaged in a focused coaching session with cityscape background

    Individual Sessions

    Explore the power of focused guidance with our Individual ‘Spot’ Coaching Sessions. Perfect for those not quite ready to commit to a longer journey, wanting to experience a taste of coaching, or seeking support on a specific issue. These single-session encounters offer personalized insights and strategies, empowering you to tackle immediate challenges or explore potential paths. Dive into a session that’s all about you – your goals, your challenges, your breakthroughs.

  • Two hikers with backpacks looking out over a misty mountainous landscape, with one person pointing towards a distant peak

    3-Month Discovery Program

    Begin your journey of self-exploration with our 3-Month Discovery Program. Ideal for those stepping into the realm of personal and professional growth, this program offers a structured pathway to uncover your true potential. Over the course of bi-weekly sessions, we'll delve into your aspirations, overcome barriers, and lay the groundwork for lasting change. It's a perfect starting point for gaining clarity, building momentum, and embarking on a transformative journey.

  • Back view of a person with arms raised in victory sign against a misty mountain backdrop

    6-Month Comprehensive Transformation Program

    Immerse yourself in profound growth with our 6-Month Comprehensive Transformation Program. This in-depth coaching experience is designed for individuals committed to achieving significant personal and professional milestones. Through consistent bi-weekly sessions, we'll navigate complex challenges, refine your goals, and foster sustainable change. Embrace a journey of holistic development, where each step is tailored to elevate your life's trajectory and realize your dreams with enduring impact.

  • Since beginning my work with Natasha earlier this year, she has been an exemplary professional coach. She exhibits a unique sense of interest in my life and her insights and direction are always on target. I feel very supported and championed in the attainment of my goals. She has been a vital resource to me and I look forward to our continuing relationship.

    Dr. Zainab Najarali

  • I always look forward to my conversations with Natasha. She is able to strike a unique balance of careful listening with sharing her wealth of experience and ideas. She quickly pinpoints the crux of a situation and does not fail to leave me with helpful insights, ideas or questions to ponder.

    Sophia Williams

  • I began working with Natasha when I decided to take the leap and start my journey as a digital nomad. She not only helped me settle into my new lifestyle, but her insights, great questions and gentle prodding helped me to avoid some potentially sticky situations as a solo female traveller. As a result, I am able to focus on creating lasting relationships and exploring the world around me. She helped to make my transition seamless.

    Priya Sharma

  • My life would not be the same without Natasha as my coach. She has guided me through a number of job changes at my company, helping me to stay focused on the advantages instead of the difficulties. The higher I have risen in my organization, the more I find how important it is to have someone to talk to on the outside, for both the perspective and encouragement. I have referred Natasha to many of my colleagues and all have been grateful to me for finding her. She is a real treasure.

    Olga Ivanova